Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday June 20, 2010: Worship in the Abbey

Sunday June 20, 2010: (Dieter). Following breakfast, we head down to the Abbey for a worship service. Most of the community is there including many tourist who are on the island for a walk-about. This island is very popular for many, as there are many relics, including the burial sites of more than 40 kings and queens of early Scotland (including McBeth and other Chieftan Lords from the early 800C to the 14th C). Columba, a monk from Ireland, came here to find solitude and established the religious order in the early 600’s and since that time, there have been various other religious influences as seen by the buildings, the various Celtic crosses and burial sites. The ecumenical services included communion and I had the opportunity to serve the bread as well as carry the collection plate to the alter and back again to the back room. Interesting experience. Then off on my own as I explored another part of the island. Sandra, Karannina, and Alexander enjoy the Big Sing, an opportunity to learn new songs and sing in an older part of the Abbey.
The seven crosses of Iona.


The ghosts of the Abbey.

Part of the evening's worship experience was to touch the structure of the church, which has a history of over 1400 years of people seeking God. A reminder that the stones do cry out with incredible memories of the past.

A ruin part of the original Abbey

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