Monday, May 31, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010: Schönwetter (Beautiful Weather) from Morning to Night

Saturday, June 5, 2010 (Dieter): Finally, a full day of schönwetter - blue skies and a chance to get to know my other cousins and their families. First, we enjoyed our last trip with our car with Daisy, as we drove her home, close to my Onkel Dieter's place. Then off for breakfast at my cousin's Sasha and his wife Beata. Here we met my cousin Ramona and her boyfriend Lee (from Florida). Ramona demonstrated her motorbiking skills - she is getting her motorcycle license. After a wonderful breakfast, we head back to Daisy's place and enjoy a wonderful lunch of coconut milk curried chicken. Then off to the great out-of-doors. A bit of coffee and cake, and a visit to my last cousins, we head back home to Wiesbaden, return our rental car (12,215kms) and celebrate with Walter and Marianna, wonderful neighbours of our Tante Karin and Onkel Klaus.

Rise and shine - sunshine finally - let's make the most of it!

Ramona on a stunt motorbike - single air-suspension and fast (130kms).

Sasha and Beata's home with Lee and Ramona

Friend of animals.

Who says biking is easy! Another one of Sasha's amazing bikes.

Coffee and küchen at Daisy's.

Foregone dreams

A paradise or paradox?

Last farewells

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