Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010 Parc Astrix

(Alexander). Our day began with us leaving and coming back. We got about 3 kms away from our apartment and our GPS shut down. We were headed for Parc Astrix - unbelievably disappointed. So back in our apartment, mommy and Karannina went shopping daddy and I figured out the problem. We cleaned out the GPS memory and discovered the cable didn't work. After lunch, we decided to go to Parc Astrix. And boy was it worth it! It was exhiliarating. We did a total of 10 rides. First, le Defi de Ceasar, were we experienced us being in Rome with Ceasar, and being trained for Ceasar's army. Training involved going in Roman baths and getting wet as well as taking ship to Gaul to capture Obelix and Asterix. Halfway out to sea, our ship was damaged by Obelix. Our ship was flipped into the sea. It was a virtual reality experience, with movement, sound, and air movement. Daddy felt sea sick. Second, down the Romus et Rapids, in a fancy big inner tube with a floor. We almost got wet. Third, Goudurix, Europe's largest rollercoaster. We all went, except for daddy, who wanted to take pictures, but I am sure he was to scared to join us (but got great pictures and a video). This ride was scary, exhilirating, tummy turning and screaming fast experience. AWESOME! Fourth, we went into a 'scary ride' Le Transdemonium which had demons and horrific creatures. Fifth, L'Oxyebarium another waterslide, with oxygen holding us up in the water (inner tube) while we were cascading down the waterslide. I got wet and dizzy. Sixfth, the Memhir Express, a hollowed-out rock that looks like the rock that Obelix carries. It sent us four up a water structure and down into a number of different pools. And the last drop was the scariest, going down about 40 feet and landing in a shallow pool of water, getting soaking wet. Seventh, La Trace du Hourra ride gave us a drying experience as we got hurtled down a tube, like a bobsled without snow. This was one of the best rides. By the end of the ride we were almost dry, until the next (eighth) ride - the Grand Splatch. This funny, scary, wet ride were we go on a river boat through exploding water, foggy experience, and water worms. So much of our dry clothes. The final ride, Le Espions de Ceasar. Here we peddled around above the park on a tram track. As we walked out of the park, we find a place for barb a papa - guess what that is? (Beard of dad - or cotton candy). Then we get back, daddy cooks supper with wine and drinks most of it instead of putting it in the wonderful food and we get ready for bed.

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