Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010 The BIGGEST Supermarket

Hey dad, we were so busy that we did not have a chance to miss you today. After breakfast, and after we completed our homework, we drove to a humongous supermarket that sold everything from pets to candles, florists, Easter decorations, furniture, greenhouse, barbecues, etc. Alex liked the big aquarium that held of huge gold fish the size of a baseball bat. Karannina found a plant that the leaves curl up when touched and the birds section, especially the sound of the birds chirping because it sounded like a rain forest. Alex tried racing around the huge store, but went out of control, knocking over a section of houseplants. Onkel Klaus came to the rescue with cleaning supplies in hand (just kidding :) . Tante Karin is crowned the Queen of Easter Decorations while Onkel Klaus celebrates her crowning with wine. Mommy and Tante Karin are caught discussing how to take care us rumbunctious kids in the iSeat :) while we joust with bamboo sticks like Robin Hood. Karannina smacks Alexander's tender fingers (ouch! Mommy???) and Onkel Klaus grabs the biggest bamboo stick and threatens to bop us on the head :) (Kidding) Then the game is over. We sit with him and play Paddy Cake...Baker's Man. What a cool day spend time with Onkel Klaus and Tante Karin in the huge store. So what did you do today dad?

(Dieter reporting live from Capital Hill, Washington DC). Had an amazing experience with 36 workshop attendees. I enjoyed working with my colleague Laura MacDonald as we engaged participants in understanding the emotions that go along with assessing student learning in dentistry and dental hygiene. Part of the session encouraged people to paint with acrylics. Some amazing creative paintings. Quick lunch and off for a short nap and then updating this blog.

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