Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010: The House Museum

Monday, June 7, 2010 (Alexander): Boom down the stairs to granola breakfast with raisins after we rush to the mystery puzzle the food of murder and finish it. Who did the murder? It is the one with the pocket knife. Next, daddy and I fixed a clock from the 1880's that fell down yesterday, the one he knocked off the wall. It had astamp that said it was from the USA that made the parts to assemble the clock gears. Karannina searched online for the company name and found that there is a museum that collects clocks in the US. We played a game of Sorry
Oh, I never knew that Karannina loved seafood salad.

A spinning around up and down seasaw.

We are picking up a hedgehog which we called "Hedgie" We had to wear gloves or else Hedgie's spikes would poke us.

a finished mystery puzzle unsolved

fixing a 1880ish clock from USA

watching a ship come by with a telescope

We found a cool website where you can watch all the ships of the world LIVE!!!! Website:

playing a game of sorry from 1938.

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