Monday, February 22, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010 What a Storm!

Friday, February 19, 2010: (Karannina) Alexander and I woke up (fully) when the door to the veranda was opened by the wind and the door to the hallway was slammed closed. The windstorm has gotten worse. We hear the wind whistling, raindrops pounding, and our doors and shutters slamming. We watched waves crash against the rocks from Mom and Dad’s bedroom window. We had breakfast of made of filled croissants and steamed hot chocolate again. We do homework (Awwww, Mom! Do we have to?), journal writing, sketching, working, and playing at breaks J. We go to the Blue Marlin Bar to get Internet. Dad gets really upset when he can’t send his work to his colleagues. Gloria responds to Mom’s reply to her really funny message on e-mail. We have lunch while Dad tells funny and interesting stories of his childhood working on the farm (ask about the cess pool story!). Mom went shopping while Dad, Alex, and I did some very careful stepping so dad could take amazing photos. Once we found Mom dad on the beach, we played soccer together with a round piece of wood. I skipped some stones, once I got five skips in a row (my highest score ever)! We walked home, up the 107 steps. We had supper. When Alex and I were bored, we played baseball with a paintbox (as the bat) and a scrunched up toilet paper in the shape of a ball. Then we slept.

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